How to Be Happy - Even When It Seems Impossible

2013 was one of the worst years of my life. I had a running list of "why the hell are these things happening" that made me anxious and paralyzed about the future. I almost lost both of my sisters to serious medical accidents within a month of each other, had significant shifts in my personal relationships and love life, had a tumultuous and emotionally draining change in jobs, and dealt with an immense amount of stress in a small window of time.  

Emotionally hitting rock bottom forced me to take a good look at what really makes a person happy. I started to hunt down research and tips on how to get my stuff together, because being mopey and resentful about my hand in life wasn't getting me anywhere.

I discovered some strategies that helped me turn 2014 into one of the best years of my life, and would love to share those with you. Happiness is a complicated state of being that we all deserve to experience more often than not, and this week's video digs into what you can do in your own life to shape your happiness.